Find Special Offer On Hifonics BRX1516.1D Subwoofer Amplifier 1500-Watt - Mono Amplifiers

Find Special Offer On Hifonics BRX1516.1D Subwoofer Amplifier 1500-Watt

Find Special Offer On Hifonics BRX1516.1D Subwoofer Amplifier 1500-Watt Specification & Features Product Name: Hifonics BRX1516.1D ...

Hifonics BRX1516.1D Subwoofer Amplifier 1500-Watt

Find Special Offer On Hifonics BRX1516.1D Subwoofer Amplifier 1500-Watt

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: Hifonics BRX1516.1D Brutus Mono Super D-Class Subwoofer Amplifier, 1500-Watt
  • Brand: Hifonics
  • Color: Green
  • Model: BRX1516.1D

  • LED power (green) and protect (red) indicator lights
  • On-board system diagnostics
  • Preamp RCA outputs allow for daisy chaining multiple amps

Subsonic filter (24 dB at 15 Hz)

Comments List

  • Hifonics BRX1516.1D Subwoofer Amplifier 1500-Watt Reviews:

    Excellent! Hangs well from a tree and easy to fill up. No more squirrels! Shall order another for next winter. ujjk hn jjj j jjijjik hjhjhj h hju nj nj nj jnjnnj j jj jn jj jn j h j nfor our friends the birds in this time of drought and heat, for up to 4 birds at the same time have the ability to drink without interfering with each other, hanging in a tree in the shade of the droplet remains cool, since it is easy to clean, a good help to our auxiliary garden. Very nice but a little too small for the birds of the sky. A shame, because the aesthetic of this article is perfect. Thank you when meme. Cordially. Regrets: other models are available in cedar wood.. definitely more durable over the long term than this model that I just bought.. I have recently set up a medlar in a hotel for birds, hoping to make "nests" and "tables" attic this winter. I put two "Rosewood Manger Trend for Mushroom/Seed for Wild Birds, two nests ("Kerbl Nest Exotic Bamboo 12x11 cm" & "Wildlife World Pocket Nest box Oval, Provided with Wire-Fixing") and this drop.
  • Cheap Hifonics BRX1516.1D Subwoofer Amplifier 1500-Watt:

    This winter, I will add two "Rosewood Manger Trend for Mushroom/Grease Balls for Wild Birds" and "REPTILES PLANET Decoration of the Habitat for Reptiles Coconut Bowl" that I will of fat and seeds, and I suspendrai. Full, this drop seems to be fairly heavy to not move too much with the wind, well, we'll see. In any case, it makes it much, even though I would have preferred in shades of taupe or beige to blend in with the rest. The volume is perfect, not too small, and he would fill each day, neither too big and it would be pretty ugly in a tree. And as a picture is better than a long comment, I put one of my medlar to give an idea in situ. If I have tenants, I will put another photo.. I've only had positive remarks on the part of the birds in my neighborhood that seem to have spoken to those in the surrounding areasThis nest box is quite simple in construction, but I think that the future tenants will not be too difficult, the important thing is to be able to use it to their offspring. Once the opening is chosen (depending on the species of host), it uses the holes of rear fixings and that's it. To wait for the volatile lucky. It is not cute this little house? My tits will be spoiled to come here to relax and restore. A useful item and a nice decoration for your outside! The silo is well thought out, the birds are feasting with the 4 mangeoirs put their provisions in, the look of this feeder is nice, the price is a little high but hey, I do not regretThe birdhouse is very light. Easy to install.
  • Cheap Hifonics BRX1516.1D:

    The cable is a good 10 metres as shown ; there is no loss of signal despite the length. The image quality is very correct, and there is sound also. I find that the light is a bit strong (LED, low) ; I do branch ever the webcam in the evening to not disturb the birds and chicks.. Super happy with my purchase, quality item, very beautiful. Quick shipment and well protected. The very attractive price, I think buy another. Glad to find them on Amazon, and I usually take in a pet store, but they often break and I give them all year round they come, each in turn, pick up their peanuts it's nice to look at them, they are too funny and they love the advantage of this is that I can put them on the balcony because they don't put up everywhere, as are the seeds that I give to the sparrows in a corner of the garden as well as the seeds they sort the they take a peanut and they goHello on the description of the product, you can read product cast iron can't rust. Normal because it's made of plastic of very poor quality always leans on the side that will fall disappointed... Very nice and just installed in the lawn that the birds have quickly adopted! The seeds are well protected and the birds are well sheltered from the wind for lunch.... awesomeVery nice product, I advice to its high capacity and its beautiful finish, a position of food many birds happy.
  • Best Buy Hifonics BRX1516.1D:

    I join the satisfied customers, this bird feeder is very pretty, the birds come there with pleasure, they put in 6 or even 8, it's a pleasure to watch them.. Feeder which fully meets the qualities for which I had purchased! The pigeons who hang out in I can't access it. The tits were a little resistant to the idea of moving across the cage to access the seed but these are easy to make! In addition, the seeds are not stained when it rains. High-quality materials. Delivered the next day of the order. I'm plenty satisfied! SUPER NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT THIS PRODUCT THAT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE DESCRIPTION..... PACKAGING ACHIEVE.... THE BIRDS ARE THE ANGELS.... WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY... Very nice small house for the birds, really original compared to what we usually see in the trade. It is not like any other. Only downside, the lath of the soil is not very well, because she is not fixed, it is just blocked by a screw plate, but the screw will not prevent the lath to remove if it moves a little too much. Damage to this detail, otherwise nothing has to say, to see in time. Fast delivery, the feet is fitted but its installation is very easy. The color is the same as that of the feeders, I absolutely do not regret this purchase.
  • On Sale Hifonics BRX1516.1D:

    +++ Ultra design+++ Good quality cord, iron is highly resistant, thick plastic) +++ Convenient to fill out (the roof slide on the cord) +++ the majority of The food is in the shelter of the pluieLes birds have adopted this feeder in less than a week, even the doves come there. I am delighted with my purchase, which did has earned me nothing but compliments from my guests who have found it splendid and original.. This house is insect is perfect in dimensions, the wood is thick and therefore very strong. Resistant fastener at the back. I advise to go to the lazure for exterior woodnothing to say about the product lui_même - however the packaging is not up to the job - the product being too heavy for the plastic seal to crack and quandj I pulled it out of the box the seeds are dispersed by land and in the box (forced to take a broom and a shovel to recover the most possible - given the weight I'm not going to make a return, but a goodwill gesture from Amazon would be desirableYes, the garden birds are enjoying these sunflower seeds well dried and well packaged. The package arrived intact, and it is much more economic by 5 kg.
  • Hifonics BRX1516.1D Reviews:

    Good article, simple and useful good quality /price ratio, the design is functional, practical, very popular with birds easy installation. I'm glad I... J hope, birds of my neighborhood go to these balls of fat hanging on my shutters. One year a whole family of starlings came knocking at the window when the bag was empty. I look forward to. Little trouble was the delivery sot s was overturned in the cardboard but nothing serious. I have at least seen this, the balls are soft and mushy enough to satisfy a maximum of birds. And the fool serve me certainly :D N't hesitate, I believe you have to look to be the best offer. It had been more grand. The measures are well-advertised, but I thought the cup a little larger. Ideal if placed on a stand, but the floor is tiny. In any case, very nice article well finished. Friendly hotel this hotel in insects. Remains only to our smaller friends to take possession of their new home. Color very nice.. easy to clean. Small tits like it :-) Very nice product to house the birds and dress your garden with colours. my friend having seen my nest box for a bird, did not resist to take one for him, the conditions of packaging, the amount of time are very good.
  • Best Buy Hifonics BRX1516.1D Subwoofer Amplifier 1500-Watt:

    I can say that I am very satisfied thank youThe materials are quality, the shape is beautiful and original. The ladybugs that we are approaching express climbs easily through the slots. By contrast the finish of the door has left has desired for my copy (assembly, through a 5-mm) and a finish greenish (autoclave to protect them in time? not specified on the data sheet or visible on the photo?) spoils the appearance of wood, which seemed pretty on the ad.. Product leger, facole to install... it takes a few days for the birds the used but it's done... no worries for the momentPackaging solid. Quality product. The wood has a beautiful color. It is a gift of day father, who I think will be a pleasure of mine. The roof of the house is very nice. Very beautiful object that will decorate the garden perfectlyHello, for me nothing very pretty for the birds makes them well-in the very early morning, the golds of their whistling sound each morning. CordiallyAs soon as there is a gust of wind, or a bird that quickly come over, the drinking trough to swing and loses its water. The color of the picture does not match at all. I buy compared to just colour outside the huge disappointment at the opening of the gift. I would have returned if it had not been offered. This hotel is of a good size, is made of natural wood, normal, it should not be "treated".



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Mono Amplifiers: Find Special Offer On Hifonics BRX1516.1D Subwoofer Amplifier 1500-Watt
Find Special Offer On Hifonics BRX1516.1D Subwoofer Amplifier 1500-Watt
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