No More Waste Time - JL Audio JX1000 1D Monoblock - Mono Amplifiers

No More Waste Time - JL Audio JX1000 1D Monoblock

No More Waste Time - JL Audio JX1000 1D Monoblock Specification & Features Product Name: JL Audio JX1000/1D 1000 Watt RMS Monoblock...

JL Audio JX1000 1D Monoblock

No More Waste Time - JL Audio JX1000 1D Monoblock

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: JL Audio JX1000/1D 1000 Watt RMS Monoblock Class D Car Amplifier
  • Brand: JL Audio
  • Model: JX1000/1D

  • JX Series Monoblock Amplifier 500 rms @ 4ohms 750 rms @ 3ohms and 1000 rms @ 2ohms
  • Unregulated PWM switching type power supply
  • Variable Bass Boost (0 to +12 dB bass boost centered at 45 Hz)
  • Soft start turn-on prevent clicking and popping when system turns on
  • Dimensions: 11"L x 7-3/4"W x 2"H

JL Audio JX10001D 1000 Watt RMS Monoblock Class D Car Amplifier

Comments List

  • JL Audio JX1000 1D Monoblock Reviews:

    Not even a good gadget, this device is unable to scan an object, even of large dimension, not practice, English program. I saw on the internet a video, a scan of a small object I think of a match-fixing. Very good product for the price. We launched a print has just 1/2 hour after unpacking! The scanner is average, but very practical for large pieces. A bit complicated to insert the first cartridge but works quite well. Not necessarily the best product on the market, but satisfying. The 3D scanning of a person or an object is random. It is necessary to build it 3 times. In addition, the software of the manufacturer is a little lighter and more in English. No button to activate the scan, everything is done from your PC. In this regard, provide an extension cord for the USB cable. Really disappointing for my part. I'm very happy with this 3D printer, of course, as it is a kit, there are a lot of assembly before starting. At the end of two days, I was able to make my first impressions. The installation manual is clear and French, you do not ask too many questions. This is my second printer in a kit, the first being smaller and less well finished, I had already been confronted to the difficulties of 3D printing, namely adjustment of the tray, for races, printing temperature, adhesion to the support, management of the coil of wire, insertion of the filament... Here, much less surprise as my previous experience, the purposes of racing, provide a good initialization before each impression, and the integrated software that facilitates the adjustment of the level of the plateau.
  • Cheap JL Audio JX1000 1D Monoblock:

    The support of the wire coil does its work and the insertion of the thread is simple (once one has found the button to push, perhaps too well integrated into the design of the extruder.). The chains allow a ranger and guide the wires during printing. Still problems with the adhesion of the printed pieces to the set, I haven't tried it with lacquer, I used a coating buildtak, which ensures a good grip, but with which, at approximately€ 20 the unit, I hope to be able to do a lot of impressions. The irony is that it adheres very well, so, (if one starts the print close enough to the support), the object is difficult to detach, even using a spatula fine. So, in addition to the fingers, the coating may suffer a little bit. I appreciate that the printer is 'open', as a result, the parts are produced by 3D printing and, therefore, reproducible case of a problem, or even evolutionary. And if there is a concern, I think I don't have too much difficulty to identify it and be able to correct it since I assembled the machine.. Good Kit invoice with instructions clear and precise. The + : scalable printer (tray 30x20), all spare parts, files, firmware files,... available on the sites BQ. The price of filament (PLA & FILAFLEX). I strongly recommend this 3D printer. This is the model black metal that I own. Stronger I think than the wooden version. No problem getting service, it has functioned on the first shot. A couple of things. Put a rug absorber below, I put a cutting plate provided to put underneath equipment gym buy a Carrouf.
  • Cheap JL Audio JX1000/1D 1000:

    Because to print a small piece or details of the end of the head moves very abruptly and this creates strong vibrations, the engine mount horizontal broke, I reglued and the first thing I have done is to redesign it, and print it out if gluing was not... This is the benefit of fun of this type of product is that it can make its own spare parts. But now with the carpet absorbing the room being like the past 2 weeks. Warning the fumes of ABS are it seems to be toxic (info on the net, even if not on the principle of precaution is to be taken), the PLA is less it seems, but limited to parts which will not be moisture, PLA is biodegradable, it is all very well, but not always adapted to the use of the room. Anyway there is a smell of warm plastic that emerges in use, normal the extruder that melts the plastic is 230°C. The printer is shipped without the door and top closed unlike her twin sister of flashforge sold in the US but not at the same price. When it is a little do-it-yourselfer (to buy this type of thing it is necessarily), and that we are tired of having the window open, one buys a plate of plexi in leroy, we made templates from cardboard, a bit of cutting with the jig... to make a door and a top.
  • Best Buy JL Audio JX1000/1D 1000:

    An improvement of the top standard, which looks like an aquarium On the top of mine to avoid that the enclosure is fully closed as patterns of trade, without the breakdown which I think will be a problem at the level of the motor and of the cable which are inside given the temperature reached 230° for wire and 110° (ABS) to the tray, I've included a fan of PC in conjunction with a flexible jacket of 80mm VMC that I put outside by the window this time as ajar, to remove the micro particles and the smell of plastic heated pool outside, and an air flow in the enclosure. The support liaison between the fan coil and the sheath has been printed. I council to put a small variable speed drive (also from old pieces, PC) to adjust the speed of extraction. Because I've done tests and if you extract too strong it cooled down the support, and heated the work piece lifts off the tray (piece missing). For the 12v very simple remove the bottom plate of the printer, there is a huge power supply 12v with full of terminal available.
  • On Sale JL Audio JX1000/1D 1000:

    To the top to avoid the use of glue to fix the sides in plexiglass, because with the heat it will not. Take small brackets to chair and poper the brackets on the plexiglass, mounting super costo and nice (the screw by the vibration can loosen, and the more I love pop rivets) Now it is true that it is the beginning of this technology and that it must be a little do-it-yourselfer, this machine did not disappoint and I buy it at a more competitive price, because for a little more than the price of a kit or you will have to spend hrs in the build, not sure that it works and not the chassis therefore not possible to simply make an enclosure for protection against particles, you have a complete machine manufacturing pretty serious. At least as serious as the other printers that are equivalent to prices approaching the double. An advantage also is the dual extruder, not for print in two different colors, I haven tried it yet (no need). but rather allows you to have 2 types of wire available immediately, I have one in ABS and one in PLA that lets you print parts for a different use without the delay of assembly and disassembly of the wire type (lazy) idem to have 2 colors available quickly, or worse, one that fails, spare wheel....
  • JL Audio JX1000/1D 1000 Reviews:

    Note: depending on the provider of wire, the internal diameter of the coils is different and many, the problem is not the Dekota to original media of coils of small diameter, so if you take coils which have a larger diameter it can be mounted, but I noticed that any time the thread is entortille to the outside of the coil because the rotation is not straightforward and this made an impression failed because there was a time when the thread hangs,, so a little bit of drawing and print you a tube of adaptation corresponding to the diameter of your coils and it is closed. The machine is not all, you can download on the net of the amounts of models already made, good for practice and small gifts, but the top and I think the purpose of this technology is to be able to create them yourself. For the first time, an individual can turn directly and quickly an idea or a need into a design that becomes an object, a CNC the also helps in parties, but with limits in the management of voids and internal parts. There is no limit. A physical creation is bound only to the imagination... painting, sculpture, or other also allow you to but this is art, not the creation of usable product, and not with so great rapidity between the idea and the result. The possibility of the proto which does not cost almost nothing in time and material.
  • Best Buy JL Audio JX1000 1D Monoblock:

    After much research and testing in the software category 3D free (the paid are unfortunately out of price thousands of euro) I eventually stop, with regret, on Blender, this is not the most simple, it is a gas plant but unlike most, you did not say that the function that one wants is not planned, but just how do you find in this thing the function that I want to and how it works, it's still there but it is investigation and spinning, with patience and the tutorial on the net, you can reach by a short week to get something, then it progresses and in a few minutes or hours depending on the complexity of the imagination, we do little things, super nice, I have given up on Blender several times and always come back. At made if you are not a bit techno adict, if English and you it makes 2, the notions weird put you off (the 3D creation is not instinctive, even when we have done a lot of 2D drawing), do you run not, you will end up with a cardboard box in your garage after you print some nannies and various gadgets that you have given to your family as at the time of the scoubidou.



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Mono Amplifiers: No More Waste Time - JL Audio JX1000 1D Monoblock
No More Waste Time - JL Audio JX1000 1D Monoblock
Mono Amplifiers
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