Compares PIOGMD9601 PIONEER GM-D9601 400 Watt Class With Your Ideas - Mono Amplifiers

Compares PIOGMD9601 PIONEER GM-D9601 400 Watt Class With Your Ideas

Compares PIOGMD9601 PIONEER GM-D9601 400 Watt Class With Your Ideas Specification & Features Product Name: PIOGMD9601 - PIONEER GM-...

PIOGMD9601 PIONEER GM-D9601 400 Watt Class

Compares PIOGMD9601 PIONEER GM-D9601 400 Watt Class With Your Ideas

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: PIOGMD9601 - PIONEER GM-D9601 2,400-Watt Class D Mono Amp
  • Brand: Pioneer
  • Model: PIOGMD9601

  • Pioneer GM-D9601 2,400-Watt Class D Mono Amp (Black)

PIONEER GMD9601 2400Watt Class D Mono Amp

Comments List

  • PIOGMD9601 PIONEER GM-D9601 400 Watt Class Reviews:

    A large capacity, an access time acceptable, a good resistance in time. In short, a very good product, reliable and convenient. good quality product and the dimensions are perfect for the portable external hard drive Toshiba STORE Basics 2. 0 USB 3. 0 1 Tb BlackThe key, despite its small size, has a large storage capacity which is very useful. Made all the same attention, she loses easily. good product and looks resistant, I have not yet dared to do tomberil is rapiderentre well in protective Cover for external hard disk drive (2. 5-inch) - BLACK - KWMOBILEI have loaded the USB key as it was requested, and the led is lit, and after loading nothing, the led does not flash or light up, nothing works. I noticed that a part of the protective film that was on the key that was missing which makes me think that it is a key that has already had a return, so I had a key that does not work. the photo shows us a small product, but the real is still smaller... which can be difficult to disconnect from a computer or other device since there is no prise... de it is not recognized by my computer... I would do it again not this purchase and do not recommend it. Good product, mounted a few days ago and works without problems. Attention, the version is without wiring, include the purchase of cables, power and SATA motherboard if you don't have them! well protected. good flow does not heat.
  • Cheap PIOGMD9601 PIONEER GM-D9601 400 Watt Class:

    very well so I recommend this purchase. remains to be seen if it lasts over time. I'm really happy with my hard drive! It is convenient, fast and easy to use. In addition to the size is perfect to carry even in pocket. It is beautiful also, in general, perfect :) The product arrived quickly, there was already a long time! The key walked up to a now 1 month!!! I left it in the trash! (Life 2mois..) ! I do not recommend it, even if the product was perfect... Rather fragile, 6 months after my order, it no longer works. I lost all of the data that were on high above!!!!! Very disappointed!!! it is on! dificult to make it smaller. I thought I'd put a bunch of mp3's to listen on my car stereo, but alas it does not accept the key formatees in FAT32 by default. Impossible (or am not give!) to format the key in simple FAT or even exFAT16. Otherwise the expedition in the time and it works pretty well. note: not very veloce in scripture, I've seen better! Satisfied all the same. Hard drive légerVitesse transfer rapideManipulation to make mac a little painful, but otherwise nothing to reportA little early to be pronounced, but the disc turns nikel, received on time, well pack.... I install a windows on it, it works nikelThe final capacity is 14. 9 Gb and not 16. Slow in use. The key is very very small, fragile aspect, and not protection of the part USB... And I had a little force to fit into the USB ports of my PC, so it's not coming to PC.
  • Cheap PIOGMD9601-PIONEER GM-D9601 2 400-Watt:

    Last point : the key is coming loose in a small envelope, very limited packaging and any opportunity to take a shock during transportation, or even getting crushed.... External hard drive used with an xbox one, installation is very easy and works perfectly. Price very competitive. Recommended product. Key purchased for use in the Auxiliary on my car. Contains only the Music in MP3 Format (192 Kbit/s & 320 Kbit/s). Given my usage, the data transfer speed does not matter to me, because the files rarely change. This allows me to have hours of music, and its small size, goes unnoticed, allowing the laisserr constantly on the car radio. Perfect for this type of use. Very good product!!! 16gb sufficient for me to my storage itinerant! Beyond that, in the event of loss of the key, it is a drama. Small downside: no way to "hook" the key otherwise very 4x4Already possessing an external hard drive WD 300 Gb, becoming saturated by the scanning of a part of the slides of a long life, we needed more capacity to complete the storage of these photos, as well as newer videos. The hard drive WD 2tb and it seemed to us indispensable. Delivered 2 days before the scheduled date, and conform to the description. It must simply read the instructions for use download after plug-and-play as usual. Ideal for backing up many files accumulated which will be arranged by alphabetical order, if one has not forgotten to name it succinctly. Flow on mac-formatted HFS+ with Black magic test: - write: 8. 5 mb/slecture 43mo/als reading is correct, but the writing is catastrophic...
  • Best Buy PIOGMD9601-PIONEER GM-D9601 2 400-Watt:

    twice as fast as my old patriot usb2, who writes at 16mb/s, but reads only at 28mo/s... For the use that I do and the price you paid it will. For comparison, my sandisk extreme usb4 written more than 40 mb/s and reads at almost 250mo/s... But the price is 3x more expensive. Received ultra quick with my order. Disc compact, light-weight, discreet and very handy comes with a protective pouch and a good capacity. I wanted to use it on my tv to record shows, unfortunately, its write speed is too slow and the key is refused by my tv. If not to store pictures or movies, it should beThis USB 2. 0 flash drive Kingston is very practical with its protects connector swivel metal, where the overall strength in case of accidental overwriting. Something well thought-out : the small hook drilled into the top of the protective cover that allows to insert a mini hand strap (or a small ring) to attach this USB drive to your keychain classic example. Do not look for the performance with this key, but rather the reliability and the reputation of the brand. The seller is serious and the shipping is pretty fast : small grace period of a few days compared to Amazon EU S. A. R. L. because it is sent from abroad (but not a problem, it is necessary to know to wait to save). In two words : buy it!!! I had a little trouble to connect it to my net book.
  • On Sale PIOGMD9601-PIONEER GM-D9601 2 400-Watt:

    I had to download VLC media player. But now everything is OK. I first bought this hard drive (I've even taken several in fact) from a reseller. Check the comments if you ever order from a reseller. In my case, I strongly RECOMMEND 12w alias 1Foteam. In fact, I have noticed a drop in the price after that Amazon has completed its inventory and so I contacted the dealer to request a refund of the difference that was denied me. This I can accept but I honestly saw red when the response from their customer SERVICE about the price : 6€ fee per hard drive, which "take into account the costs of port, logistics, upstream, as well as working with our various commercial partners". I want to be nice but the guys... Should not be messing around! Otherwise, in regards to the hard drive itself, I have nothing to complain about because for me, they work perfectly! I will not hesitate to edit my comment if ever something changed! Cheap but reliable (I testify after more than a year). Has to have to look at his photos everywhere. The first Hd has never market. The second fact of cliqueties at the end of two months and is no longer recognized by the Freebox. Most likely problem is recurent with these WD drive. I quickly a little tried on all my stuff, and it is detected without any problem.
  • PIOGMD9601-PIONEER GM-D9601 2 400-Watt Reviews:

    But I mainly bought it with the idea of using it on my tnt for timeshifting; and as my tests don't show any problems, it does so to serve it (and fortunately because I would not have to constantly plug and unplug because of its mini-template).. Quality/price ratio is really excellent, I am quite satisfied with the product and I recommend it. As always no problem delivery is always very quick. RAS works perfectly and is relatively simple to use with some basic knowledge in computer and network configuration. No problemVery good product for someone looking for a USB key and unobtrusive, in my case for the car. Small flat on the absence of a small cord to hang on the key. Given the small size if you have big fingers, it quickly becomes difficult to disconnect it from the outlet. Well take 32gb at least for the top performance. 1* less because of the packaging cheap quasi-bulk-whereas before it was with cord, beautiful packaging, and that amazon dares to give a price to the public mind-boggling but which enables them to say, xx%, short. On the key-encryption software for windows... Prefer truecrypt... Very well as the key to boot multi os or software portable. Very good flow in writing for the price, tested on a USB2 port : close to 25 Mb/s write for large video files.



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Mono Amplifiers: Compares PIOGMD9601 PIONEER GM-D9601 400 Watt Class With Your Ideas
Compares PIOGMD9601 PIONEER GM-D9601 400 Watt Class With Your Ideas
Mono Amplifiers
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